Redefining Urban Development in Africa
Through utility self-sufficiency and perfection in infrastructural efficiency. TheIIBC is a modern island city, that will leverage on cutting-edge technology and blend work, home and recreation in a seamless spectrum.
Smart, green, safe, and self-sustaining, The Imperial International Business City (IIBC) is making history, being the first smart and eco-friendly city in Africa.
75+ Years Flood-Free Reclamation Strategy
100Ha Hectares of Land to be dredged in phase one of Development
3.5M Reclamation Height Above Sea-Level
1st Eco-Friendly & Smart City in Africa
A Modern Island Smart City
From reducing carbon emissions to promoting green spaces, TheIIBC is at the forefront of sustainable urban development, and is committed to creating a greener, cleaner future for all.
Live in the City of Tomorrow
Step into a world of innovation and sustainability with our comprehensive guide to smart city living. Discover how cutting-edge technology is transforming the way we live, work and play, and explore our city’s sustainable infrastructure and eco-friendly initiatives.
Explore TheIIBC
Districts for Everyone
OUR Partners
Great goals demand great collaborations.
GenslerMaster & Town PlannerUnited Kingdom
Mott MacdonaldInfrastructure Engineering ConsultantsUnited Kingdom
Royal HaskoningDHVMarine Engineers & Reclamation ConsultantsNetherlands
Dredging InternationalDredgingBelgium
Elegushi Royal FamilySponsorsNigeria
Channeldrill Resources LTDPromoters/DevelopersNigeria
Cordros CapitalFinancial AdvisersNigeria
Kedari CapitalFinancial AdvisersNigeria
AelexLegal AdvisersNigeria